Society of Lifestyle is committed to adhere to the UN Convention Against Corruption and determined to maintain the highest standards of integrity and work ethics, both internally and throughout our value chain. For this reason, Society of Lifestyle maintains a policy of zero tolerance towards bribery and corruption in all its forms.
Recognition of the Society of Lifestyle Anti-Corruption Policy is mandatory for and the policy applicable to all Society of Lifestyle employees as well as all suppliers, vendors, agents, consultants, and other Society of Lifestyle business partners. Society of Lifestyle wish to support behaviour and work ethics characterized by the highest standards of personal and organizational integrity, both internally and externally.
What is corruption?
Corruption is defined as the misuse of entrusted power for private gain. It affects everyone whose life, livelihood or prosperity depends on the integrity of people in a position of authority, it threatens the stability and security of societies, and it undermines democratic institutions and values.
Corruption is not always about money, it can also be for example preferential treatment, extra service to gain an advantage. As a concept, it is best known in the form of bribery, fraud, embezzlement or extortion. However, corruption does not exclusively involve money changing hands; it may also include providing services to gain advantages, such as favourable treatment, special protection, extra services or quicker case processing.
Employees of Society of Lifestyle and our partners must avoid these situations of corruption:
Conflict of interest
- This arises in situations where an employee has a private interest or personal gain from a certain situation or deal.
- Bribery is the act of offering, giving (active bribery), receiving, or accepting (passive bribery) any item of value to influence the actions of an employee.
- Society of Lifestyle will not give or accept bribery in any form.
- Extortion occurs when an employee unlawfully demands or receives money through intimidation. Extortion may include threats of harm to a person or his/her property, threats to accuse him/her of a crime/illegal act, or threats to reveal embarrassing information.
- Employees of Society of Lifestyle must not seek to influence any person or body by using their position or by using force or threats.
Fraudulent behaviour
- Fraudulent behaviour involves deliberately being dishonest or misleading, engaging in deceitful behaviour or acting under false pretences.
- Employees at Society of Lifestyle must not exercise such behaviour under any circumstances.
Receiving gifts and hospitable behaviour
- Gifts and hospitality may be used to facilitate corruption or may give the appearance of corruption. Gifts may include cash or assets given as gifts.
- Hospitality may include meals, hotels, flights, entertainment, or sporting events.
- As a general rule, employees should not receive gifts or other benefits in connection with their work. However, giving small gift and showing hospitality may be customary in some countries, and it would be impolite not to receive it. However, gifts, should be kept within a reasonable financial level, that reflects the nature of the business with that specific partner.
- Gestures which may be considered remuneration for a task performed, such as a couple of bottles of wine for doing a presentation, are not considered gifts.
- Employees at Society of Lifestyle must not give, solicit or receive directly or indirectly.
- Nepotism is incidents where family and friends are favoured and treated advantageously due to close personal relations, rather than based on a professional assessment of their capabilities.
- Employees of Society of Lifestyle must not favour friends, family or other close relations in recruitment, procurement, or other situations.
Reporting and sanctions
Employees of Society of Lifestyle have been made aware of this policy and new employees are made aware, upon hiring. All employees of Society of Lifestyle are obligated to notify their superior immediately about any proof or suspicion of breach of one or more anti-corruption principles. This applies regardless of whether the case involves other employees, business partners or partners in programmes or projects. They are also obligated to notify their superior upfront about potential or current conflicts of interest.
For suppliers, when signing the Code of Conduct, you also confirm understanding of and adherence to this policy. Conduct contrary to this anti-corruption policy could thus have consequences for the cooperation with Society of Lifestyle. In case of findings, Society of Lifestyle will address the situation, request immediate mitigation hereof and support the supplier in doing so, if necessary. If no mitigation is initiated and completed from the supplier’s side within a reasonable time frame, Society of Lifestyle reserves the right to terminate the cooperation.