Child Labour / Young Worker Policy
In accordance with our Code of Conduct, child labour is strictly prohibited throughout our entire supply chain. Our approach as well as this policy is based on a profound respect for fundamental human rights as set out in the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights and ILO Conventions and aims to protect the human rights within our sphere of influence – and, in particular, in terms of elimination of forced labour/modern slavery and child labour.
Definition of a child:
The definition of a child is a person under the age of 15 years unless country regulations stipulate a higher age, in which case the higher age shall apply.
Definition of a young worker:
The definition of a young worker is any worker from 15 (or 16) year of age until 18 years of age.
The requirements
Supplier must ensure that child labour is not present in our supply chain.
- Society of Lifestyle does not accept any form of employment of children below the minimum age mentioned above.
- The factory must have proper hiring systems in place to prevent children from working at the factory. Records of age verification must be always kept.
- If the factory is providing childcare facilities, they must ensure that the children remain at that area and never enter production areas.
- Young workers should only perform light work, which does not encompass working with dangerous chemicals, heavy lifting, or dangerous machinery.
- Young workers should not be subjected to work that can be harmful to their health or physical, mental, spiritual, moral, or social development.
- Society of Lifestyle must be informed immediately if confirmed child labour is detected.
- If child labour is detected at the production units, the supplier is requested to make sure that proper measures in the best interest of the child are taken and below Child Labour Policy shall apply.
In case of Child Labour
Society of Lifestyle reserves the right to involve non-governmental organizations with the purpose of driving the process to secure the child’s future.
In cooperation with the supplier, they will find a satisfactory solution, taking into consideration the child’s age, social situation and education must be found. Any measures taken should always aim to improve, not worsen, each child’s situation. If children are to be replaced from improper working, then the factory should continue to pay the wages to the child until it reaches the legal age for working. If possible, a member of the child’s family should be offered the position and paid a minimum wage. This is to secure a stable private economy of the child and its family.
If the child has finished primary school, the child should be offered education that supports the child’s further development until it reaches the legal age for working, after which the child should be offered the job again on the same terms as other workers in the factory.
If supplier refuses to cooperate in implementing this policy after child labour has been confirmed, Society of Lifestyle will terminate all business with said supplier. However, if the opposite, we will continue our cooperation with the supplier and help to ensure, that a child is not hired into the factory again.